Camels: The Magnificent Migration

Camels: The Magnificent Migration

Beginning around 3,000 years ago, humans began domesticating camels in Asia and the Middle East.  Adapted for the harshest of climates and traveling long distances,  the camel's journey began  40 million years ago—all the way from North America.

Camels and Culture—A Celebration

Camels and Culture—A Celebration

Celebrating their national animal, some 40,000 camels are brought by truck, by trek, singly and in herds, to compete in contests of beauty, speed and obedience outside Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Camel-culture exhibits round out the annual King Abdulaziz Camel Festival.
Bling Your Camel

Bling Your Camel

Want your camel to stand out from the herd? Don’t think too hard about endurance—it’s pretty much a given for a camel. Speed? Not every camel has it. But accessories? Maybe an artistic fur-cut? That’s up to you.

The Art of Saddling a Camel

The Art of Saddling a Camel

Since the earliest days of domestication, the camel’s hump—or humps—have challenged would-be riders. In Africa, Arabia, India and Central Asia, saddle designs have long expressed both utility, beauty and culture.

The Culinary Camel

The Culinary Camel

From Bedouin banquets to hipster hashi-burger food trucks, Camel is one of the world’s fastest-growing health-and-heritage consumer product sectors. How does camel taste? There's only one way to find out.

2019 Gregorian-Hijri Calendar – Camel

2019 Gregorian-Hijri Calendar – Camel

Herded, saddled, loaded by traders; cared for, sung about and even sung to—one-humped dromedaries prove extraordinary in deserts where the sun is hot; two-humped Bactrians rank no less in others where it is not. Let the rhythmic gaits of our calendar camels carry you along for the year.

Flavors: Saudi Camel Meatballs

Flavors: Saudi Camel Meatballs

The first time I tasted camel was some 25 years ago in Damascus, Syria.
FirstLook: Morning <em>tafheem</em>, al-Rumah, Saudi Arabia

FirstLook: Morning tafheem, al-Rumah, Saudi Arabia

To get camels ready for races, they are taken out for tafheem, an Arabic word that has two main meanings in English.
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